Basic Settings

Support both single and multiple select.

single select

single select
  • similar to HTML select
  • can only select one option
  • by default, closed after selection
  • configurable display label
  • stylish button through configuration
    multiple: false,
    style: {
        select: 'dropdown-toggle btn btn-info'
    text: {
        selectLabel: 'Select ...'
    toolbar: false

default values

multiple select
  • if multiple attribute set in <SELECT>
  • by default, dropdown wouldn't close after selction
default values
  • configurable default values
  • when all options deselected, plugin will be reset to default values
initial values
  • If original <SELECT> has options selected, plugin will be inited with these values
  • Initial values can also be set with options
  • plugin will not be reset to initial values when all options deselected
    defaultValues: [ '3', '6' ],
    toolbar: false

limit selections

  • atLeast limits the minimum options required in the <SELECT>
  • user may defined a handler to listen to the atLeast event
  • in <OPTGROUP>, attribute 'data-atleast' can be used to set minimum required selected options in a optgroup
  • atMost limits the maximum options allowed in the <SELECT>
  • user may defined a handler to listen to the atMost event
  • in <OPTGROUP>, attribute 'data-atmost' can be used to set maximum selected options allowed in a optgroup
  • mustSelect contains an array of values must be selected in <SELECT>
  • user may defined a handler to listen to the mustSelect event
  • attribute data-must can used in <OPTION> to achieve same purpose
    atLeast: 2,
    atMost: 4,
    mustSelect: [ '1' ],
    toolbar: false,
    handler: {
        atLeast: function() {
            alert('at least 2 options required');
        atMost: function() {
            alert('maximum 4 options exceeded');
        mustSelect: function() {
            alert('must select this one');

data exclusive

data exclusive
  • data-exclusive and data-inclusive can be combined to achieve complex data relationships in <SELECT> or <OPTGROUP>
  • data-exclusive defines options exlusive with others in a multiple select situation, similar to a single select
data inclusive
  • data-inclusive attribute used in <OPTION> defines options can be selected together with other options in the same 'team'
  • data-inclusive attribute value is a space-seperated string with each non-space char indicate a different 'team'
<select id="demo-1d" multiple data-exclusive>
    <option value="1">label 1</option>
    <option value="2" data-inclusive="a b">label 2 (team a & b)</option>
    <option value="3" data-inclusive="b c">label 3 (team b & c)</option>
    <option value="4">label 4</option>
    <option value="5">label 5</option>
    <option value="6" data-inclusive="c">label 6 (team c)</option>
    <option value="7">label 7</option>
    <option value="8">label 8</option>

    showSelectedCount: 1,
    toolbar: false

The Toolbar

search & unfold

  • search all options
  • search by 'label', 'value' or 'both'
  • hit RETURN in the input box to search
  • better use with unfold button to view unfiltered options
  • expanded view to show all options
  • in <OPTGROUP> or data-level cases, expand all groups and levels
    searchBy: 'label',
    searchCaseInsensitive: false,
    toolbar: {
        buttonSearch:   true,
        buttonAlias:    false,
        buttonView:     false,
        buttonUnfold:   true,
        buttonCancel:   false,
        buttonCheckAll: false,
        buttonUnCheck:  false


  • save selected options as an alias for quick access at later time
  • select multiple options by just clikc an alias name
  • different aliases must use different names
  • a new alias name for the same selected options will overwrite the old alias
  • default to close the select after click an alias
  • status change event 'aliasChange' triggered once an alias is added/deleted
  • aliases can be easily defined initially or added later
      viewAfterAlias: false,
      closeAfterAlias: false,
      handler: {
        aliasChange: function() {
          console.log('alias changed');
      aliases: {
          alias1: [ '1' , '2' ],
          alias2: [ '5' , '7' ]
      toolbar: {
          buttonSearch:   true,
          buttonAlias:    true,
          buttonView:     false,
          buttonUnfold:   true,
          buttonCancel:   false,
          buttonCheckAll: false,
          buttonUnCheck:  false

view & unfold

  • defines a fold/unfold status when click buttonView
  • possible values are root, expand, level1, level2 and selected
  • selected can be combined with other options, like root+selected
  • defines the fold/unfold status before dropdown shows for the first time
  • attribute data-view can be added to <OPTGROUP> or <OPTION> to enable default fold/unfold status for specific group or level
    defaultView: 'selected',
    toolbar: {
        buttonSearch:   true,
        buttonAlias:    true,
        // view selected options only when clicked
        buttonView:     'selected',
        buttonUnfold:   true,
        buttonCancel:   false,
        buttonCheckAll: false,
        buttonUnCheck:  false

check all

  • select all options
  • for complex situation, simulates click group by group
  • deselect all options
  • unless atLeast, defaultValues are set
    toolbar: {
        buttonSearch:   true,
        buttonAlias:    true,
        buttonView:     'selected',
        buttonUnfold:   true,
        buttonCancel:   false,
        buttonCheckAll: true,
        buttonUnCheck:  true


  • revert to the status when dropdown just showed
    viewAfterCancel: false,
    toolbar: {
        buttonSearch:   true,
        buttonAlias:    true,
        buttonView:     'selected',
        buttonUnfold:   true,
        buttonCancel:   true,
        buttonCheckAll: true,
        buttonUnCheck:  true

toolbar position

move toolbar to left
  • change the style of toolbarPos
  • change the style of dropdown in toolbar
    style: {
        buttonDropdown: 'dropdown-menu',
        toolbarPos: 'left'

Option Group


  • data-level attribute is used to indicate option level
  • by default, when no data-level is specified, it equals to data-level="1"
  • by default, click a sublevel will deselect the upper levels, vise versa.
  • by default, when all sublevels selected, it will revert to one level up
  • buttonCheckAll just select all of the level 1 under the group
    defaultView: 'expand'

default view

  • control default fold/unfold status by using defaultView option and data-view attribute
  • defualtView defines overall expand level while data-view controls individual group or level
  • data-view="2" means expand upto 2 levels under this group/level
<optgroup label="group 1" data-view="1">
    <option value="1">label 1</option>
    <option value="1-1" data-level="2">label 1-1</option>
    <option value="1-2" data-level="2">label 1-2</option>
    <option value="2">label 2</option>

    defaultView: 'root+selected'

group exclusive

  • when data-group-exclusive attribute set, this group will exclusive with other groups
  • data-group-exclusive can take a spaced string, "a b" means other groups with "a" or "b" will not be exclusive with this group
  • empty data-group-exclusive means data-group-exclusive="_"
  • when no attribute data-group-exclusiveset, equals to data-group-exclusive="."
<select id="demo-3c" multiple>
    <optgroup label="group 1" data-group-exclusive>
        <option value="1">1</option>
        <option value="2">2</option>
    <optgroup label="group a b" data-group-exclusive="a b">
        <option value="3">3</option>
        <option value="4">4</option>
    <optgroup label="group b c" data-group-exclusive="b c">
        <option value="5">5</option>
        <option value="6">6</option>
    <optgroup label="group c" data-group-exclusive="c">
        <option value="7">7</option>
        <option value="8">8</option>
    <optgroup label="group 5">
        <option value="9">9</option>
        <option value="10">10</option>

limit in group

  • set at least number of options required at group level
  • plugin will select the at least number of options if no default values or initial values set
  • status change event atLeast will be triggered if user deselect at least number of options
  • set maximum number of options allowed at group level
  • if default values or initial values exceend the data-atmost, event 'atMost' will be triggered
<select id="demo-3d" multiple>
    <optgroup label="group 1" data-view data-atleast="1">
        <option value="1" data-must>1</option>
        <option value="2">2</option>
        <option value="3">3</option>
    <optgroup label="group 2" data-atleast="2" data-atmost="3">
        <option value="4">4</option>
        <option value="5">5</option>
        <option value="6">6</option>
        <option value="7">7</option>
        <option value="8">8</option>


common apis

toggle, select, deselect & get
  • toggleDropdown() toggles the dropdown
  • selectOptions(array values, clear = true) select values, clear first by default
  • deselectOptions(array values) deselect values
  • getValues() get all selection values in array
click buttons below
var $ss4a = $("select#demo-4a").smartselect({
    defaultView: 'expand'

// toggle dropdown
$("#btn-4aa").click(function() {

// set values without clear
$("#btn-4ab").click(function() {
    $ss4a.selectOptions([ '3', '4' ], false);

// unset values
$("#btn-4ac").click(function() {
    $ss4a.deselectOptions([ '3' ]);

// get values
$("#btn-4ad").click(function() {

// clear all values
$("#btn-4ae").click(function() {
    $ss4a.selectOptions([ ]);

disable & enable

disable & enable
  • disableOptions(array values) disable options base on given values, if no values provided, disable all options
  • enableOptions(array values) enable options base on given values. If no values provided, enable all disabled options
  • disableSelect() disables the select entirely
  • enableSelect() enables the select
click buttons below
var $ss4b = $("select#demo-4b").smartselect({
                defaultView: 'expand'

// toggle dropdown
$("#btn-4ba").click(function() {

// disable values
$("#btn-4bb").click(function() {

// enable values
$("#btn-4bc").click(function() {
    $ss4b.enableOptions([ '3', '4' ]);

// enable all
$("#btn-4bd").click(function() {

// get values
$("#btn-4be").click(function() {

// disable select
$("#btn-4bf").click(function() {

// enable select
$("#btn-4bg").click(function() {

add & remove options

addOption(info, after, parent)
  • 'info' is an object has 'info.label' and 'info.value' set.
  • 'after' is an option value, DOM or jQuery object.
  • 'parent' can be an option value, DOM, jQuery object or a group name to match
  • 'value' can be an option value, DOM or jQuery object.
click buttons below
var $ss4c = $("select#demo-4c").smartselect({
                defaultView: 'expand'

// add 9 after 8
$("#btn-4ca").click(function() {
        label: '9',
        value: '9'
    }, '8');

// add 10 under 8
$("#btn-4cb").click(function() {
        label: '10',
        value: '10'
    }, false, '8');

// just add to the group 1
$("#btn-4cc").click(function() {
        label: '11',
        value: '11'
    }, false, $ss4c.getGroup('group 1'));

// just add to the root end
$("#btn-4cd").click(function() {
        label: '12',
        value: '12'

$(document).on('', function(e) {

// get values
$("#btn-4ch").click(function() {

work with alias

addAlias(name, value)
  • 'name' is a string.
  • 'value' is an array of values.
  • 'name' is a string.
click buttons below
var $ss4d = $("select#demo-4d").smartselect({
                defaultView: 'expand',
                closeAfterAlias: false

// add alias 'test'
function xx() {

$("#btn-4da").click(function() {
    setTimeout(xx, 100);
    $ss4d.addAlias('test', [ '3', '5' ]);

$("#btn-4db").click(function() {
    setTimeout(xx, 100);

$("#btn-4dc").click(function() {


status events

status change events
  • signal a status change
  • no 'on' prefix in the event name, like 'atLeast', 'atMost' etc.
  • handlers can be defined outside with fullname like ''
  • handlers can also be defined in initial options, with shortname like 'atLeast'
  • status change events triggered on related jQ object
  • or when no object to be associated with, triggered on this.$element
$(document).on('', function() {
    alert('handler defined outside');
var $ss5a = $('select#demo-5a').smartselect({
                aliases: {
                    test: [ '3', '4' ]
                handler: {
                    aliasChange: function(e) {
                        alert('handler defined in options');

var removeIt = function() {

$('#btn-5aa').click(function() {
    setTimeout(removeIt, 900);

procedural events

procedural events
  • events triggered in procedures
  • 'on' prefix in the event name, like 'onPluginLoaded' etc.
  • procedural events normally come in pairs like 'onOptionChange' (before) and 'onOptionChanged' (after)
  • callbacks can defined in initial options
  • callbacks can also be added later on with API 'addCallback()'
  • callbacks are required to return true or false base on execution status.
  • if a before-procedure callback returns false, the whole procedure will stop
var d3 = function($target, event) {
    if ($target.attr('data-value') === '3') {
        alert('you can not select 3');
        return false;
    return true;

var $ss5b = $('select#demo-5b').smartselect({
                callback: {
                    onOptionSelect: [ d3 ]
                toolbar: false

$('#btn-5ba').click(function() {

$('#btn-5bb').click(function() {

$ss5b.addCallback('onOptionSelected', function($target, event) {
    alert('you selected ' + $target.attr('data-value'));

callback example 1

  • triggered after option sucessfully selected
  • triggered after option sucessfully deselected
var addButton = function($target, event) {
    var self = this;
    var html = '<button type="button" class="btn btn-sm btn-info" data-value="' +
        $target.attr('data-value') + '">' + $target.text() +
        '<i class="fa fa-times"></i></button>';

    $('#pool').find('button').off().on('click', function(e) {
        var v = $('button').attr('data-value');
        self.deselectOptions([ v ]);
    return true;

var removeButton = function($target, event) {
    $('#pool').find('button').each(function() {
        if ($(this).attr('data-value') === $target.attr('data-value')) {
            return false;
    return true;

    defaultView: 'expand',
    toolbar: false,
    callback: {
        onOptionSelected: [ addButton ],
        onOptionDeselected: [ removeButton ]

callback example 2

Disable options base on selection
  • on option select, call predefined callbacks.
var exOne = function($target, event) {
    var val = $target.attr('data-value');
    if (val === 'male') {
        // always enable first
        this.enableOptions([ 'decathlon' ]);
        this.disableOptions([ 'heptathlon', 'synchronized Swimming' ]);
    if (val === 'female') {
        this.enableOptions([ 'heptathlon', 'synchronized Swimming' ]);
        this.disableOptions([ 'decathlon' ]);
    return true;

    defaultView: 'expand',
    toolbar: false,
    callback: {
        onOptionSelect: [ exOne ]


special options

input box as an option
  • all kinds of components can be used as an option
  • As long as the option is marked as data-special
  • and three callbacks getSpecialValue(), setSpecialValue(), getSpecialLabel() defined.
  • class ss-nobubble to disable click event bubble up to <li>
$(document).ready(function() {
    var $ss6a = $('#demo-6a').smartselect({
        defaultView: 'level1+selected',
        initialValues: [ '1//testInput', '2-1' ],
        specialValueSeperator: '//',
        aliases: {
            'Special Option': [ '1//testInput', '2-1' ]
        callback: {
            onOptionSelect: [
                // if inputbox has no value, disable select
                function($target, event) {
                    if ($target.find('input').val() === '') return false;
                    return true;
        data: [
            { group: true, label: 'Group One' },
                { value: '1',
                  'data-special': true,
                  html: '<label class="ss-nobubble"><input type="text" placeholder="Please type" id="test6" class="form-control input-sm"></label>'
                { value: '2', label: '2' },
                { value: '2-1', label: '2-1', level: 2 },
                { value: '3', label: '3'  },
            { group: true, label: 'Group Two' },
                { value: '4', label: '4' },
                { value: '5', label: '5' },
                { value: '6', label: '6' }

    // select if inputbox has value, unselect if inputbox empty
    $("#test6").on("focusout", function(e) {
        var $jq = $(this);
        var val = $jq.val();
        if (val === "") {
            $ss6a.deselectOptions([ '1' ]);
        } else {
            $ss6a.selectOption([ '1' ]);